Design Strategy, Space Design, Trends
Bedroom Design Tips For Better Sleep
February 20, 2019 - Design Strategy, Space Design, Trends
Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? You’re not alone. A survey conducted by Nielsen a few years ago, found that 93% of the 5000+ people surveyed across various Indian cities suffered from sleep deprivation.
We touched upon the problem of sleep disorders in our blog last week on designing for emotional wellbeing in the 21st century.
Today we’re featuring a bedroom designed by Zeitgeist, to help you sleep better – Click play on the video below.
You can incorporate the features shown here into your own bedroom – read on after the video, to find out how.
1. Choose your bedroom colours wisely: Muted blues and greens are said to be the best colours for a bedroom, as they induce calmness. Neutral colours work well too, such as beiges, greys and whites, as do pastel tones. Reds and purples don’t work well, as they are too ‘energetic’.
If you like the colour palette we’ve used in the bedroom above, and would like to design a space using the same, do get in touch.
2. Set the right mood with lighting: Change the bulbs in your bedroom, invest in a couple of bedside lamps or install dimmer switches to create a cozy and soothing before-bedtime ambience.
3. Breathe in relaxation: An aroma diffuser with a few drops of lavender, ylang ylang or cedarwood essential oil can help soothe those tired nerves and aid with meditation, another great sleep inducer.
4. Keep gadgets and clutter at bay: Devices in the bedroom serve as a distraction from the room’s main purpose – to sleep! The same goes for clutter – it crowds your mind. Keep your bedroom distraction and clutter free, and watch how your mind slowly begins to do the same.
5. Make materials matter: Invest in comfortable bed linen, preferable with a thread count of at least 250 gsm. A cozy bedside rug – the last thing your feet touch at night and first thing they touch in the morning when you get up from bed – can help with setting the right mood.
6. Adjust your room temperature to ‘just right’: While it might vary slightly from person to person, research suggests that an ambient temperature of between 18 – 22 C helps most people achieve a restful sleep.
We hope these tips help you get in those 8 hours every night!
Do get in touch if you’d like more ideas on designing a space that helps you relax and unwind to achieve that perfect inner balance.