Space Design
GEOMETRY – Point, Circle, Triangle, Angle, Cube and so on are elements which can be described as vocabulary used to generate more complex architectural forms.
GEOMETRIZATION of architectural form rose from the desire to achieve an identity between conceived form and perceived form.
ARCHITECTURAL FORMS – Form in Architecture is not only related to space and its function; it also represents a meaning or a sign. It is also related to elements themselves; their arrangement and combination with each other, their relationship with each other (syntax); the meaning (semiotics) and its effect on people (pragmatics).
1. Space-defining element (related to use)
2. A sign (related to arrangement, significance and effect)
3. Structure (dependent on the laws of static structure and the strength of materials)
There are 2 sets of elements:
The conceptual element (point, line, plane and volume)
The visual elements (shape, size, colour and texture)
Architectural forms and space can be narrowed down to 4 element types: points, lines, planes and volumes. Architectural elements are generally three-dimensional volumes defined by vertex(points), edges(lines), segments(planes).
Three dimensional forms are seen differently from different angles and distances, under different lighting conditions and in different colour and texture. Elements to be independent of such variable situations: Shape, Texture, Light, Colour, Size & Scale.

To design a skin structure having a hexagonal facade inspired by its Brand.
The Hexagon logo prompted the design direction for this project. This was further reinforced by creating a link with nature – a beehive, a symbol of strength, tenacity, and a collective.

The design process was inspired by the geometry of the generation of architectural forms. (see intro)
THE CONCEPTUAL ELEMENT chosen for this project was the
CUBE – It is the simplest of the rectangular solids. It has six surfaces, and each of these is a square which is equal in size to the other five. The angle between any two adjacent faces is a right angle. Because of the equality of its dimensions, the cube is a static form.
THE VISUAL ELEMENT chosen for this project was the hexagon.
But before exploring the hexagon, we started with the Square – the primary shape and in this case, the Square formed the extents of the unit. It is probably the most used shape in architecture. Most buildings are made from squares with other shapes added or subtracted from the square; it forms several bases for architecture. Squares appear on seven of the thirteen semi-regular solids, and their sides are parallel. Although the perimeter is probably the most efficient in a square, it is proportion-less. Using the truncation of the square, architects get a pattern of octagons with small squares in the open spaces. All the regular polygons whose number of sides divides evenly by four are suitable for architecture. This series is called the progression of the fourths. For example, squares, octagons, and dodecagons.
The next step was to incircle the square and divide it into 6 equal parts, thereby, forming the hexagon, the visual element.
HEXAGON – The most elementary shapes either singly or in combination are the regular polygons. They are symmetrical, equilateral, and equiangular. Combination & manipulation of grids like basic geometric figures (CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE & RECTANGLE) by rotation, translation, overlapping and bisecting creates more complex architectural forms. The Hexagon is a six-sided polygon that is a highly tessellated regular polygon. Furthermore, six is a highly composite number that is considered as the 1st perfect number and, is the only number that is the sum and the product of three consecutive natural numbers (1,2,3).

Using the principles of design – Harmony, Balance, Similarity and Emphasis – the architectural from was created. The skin of the building is determined by a CUBE & HEXAGON inscribed in a SQUARE. The aesthetics of the Hexagon window and 6 hexagons protruding out are titled UNIT A, while units titled UNIT B do not protrude. Together they form the components of the fascia of the Cuboid that compliments the scale of the skin and achieves emphasis.
In this example, the interpretation of the Hexagon Geometry, and Hexagon inscribed in a square in a cuboid architectural design provokes the senses and heightens the experience.
This was a strong way of emphasising the brand and giving it an identity, and was further reinforced by designing multiple Hexagons. The protrusion of some hexagons beyond the standard level of the facade of the building gave the fascia depth and a stronger personality rather than keeping it flat.
Mahek Khan
Designer, Space
in collaboration with
Raoul Parekh
Founder & Chief – Design Management