Brand Strategy
In the same way placing a Ferrari logo on an old, beat up car doesn’t make the car a Ferrari, branding is much more than just designing a brand’s logo or developing it’s name. Here’s what a sound brand strategy can do for your business:
1. CREATE A LEADER – Brand Consultancy

Brand Consultancy addresses the value your brand has to offer to the market.
Developing a sound strategy begins with a brand development workshop. This tool helps identify the why, the how and the what your business has to offer the market. Drawing out and rooting your business to the newly defined pillars that the company will stand on forms the basis for any further communication development.
In a Brand Audit the effectiveness of your brand is understood – what is your brand’s current position in the market? What are its weaknesses or inconsistencies? How does it compare to its competitors? What is its place in the market

Brand Identity and Brand Recognition follow from a sound market assessment.
What are your competitors doing? How do they look, feel and communicate? How can you be different?
How can your brand be positioned to really attract your target market?
Developing a sound Logo, Brand Extensions and Collaterals such as stationery, merchandise and packaging, play a huge role in differentiating the brand from its competition. What is the message your brand is sending its audience? And how can that voice stand out from all the others?
3. ACQUIRE YOUR MARKET – Brand Communication

A good Brand Communication Strategy is vital to engaging the brand’s target market. This is where your brand starts to become a personality.
Rooting back to its pillars, the brand begins to develop a voice that reaches the ears of its target market, by developing sound strategies for Social Media Reach, Website Development, Marketing Collaterals, Campaigns and Product Launches.
Is your brand’s promise coming through? Is your communication strategy sound enough for your audience? Can the market trust you?
Does your brand need assistance in any of these areas? Zeitgeist can help – reach out to us.