Space Design
GEOMETRY – Point, Circle, Triangle, Angle, Cube and so on are elements which can be described as vocabulary used to generate more complex architectural forms.
GEOMETRIZATION of architectural form rose from the desire to achieve an identity between conceived form and perceived form.
ARCHITECTURAL FORMS – Form in Architecture is not only related to space and its function; it also represents a meaning or a sign. It is also related to elements themselves; their arrangement and combination with each other, their relationship with each other (syntax); the meaning (semiotics) and its effect on people (pragmatics).
1. Space-defining element (related to use)
2. A sign (related to arrangement, significance and effect)
3. Structure (dependent on the laws of static structure and the strength of materials)
There are 2 sets of elements:
The conceptual element (point, line, plane and volume)
The visual elements (shape, size, colour and texture)
Architectural forms and space can be narrowed down to 4 element types: points, lines, planes and volumes.
Architectural elements are generally three-dimensional volumes defined by vertex(points), edges(lines), segments(planes).
Three dimensional forms are seen differently from different angles and distances, under different lighting conditions and in different colour and texture. Elements to be independent of such variable situations: Shape, Texture, Light, Colour, Size & Scale.

Design Brief
To design a Potter’s house with a small studio and exhibit area.
Design Inspiration
Spherical clay pots (matka) prompted the design direction for this project.
Design Process
The design process was inspired by geometry of the generation of architectural forms. (see intro)
The conceptual element chosen for this project was the SPHERE – a special solid form in which every point on its surface is equidistant from a common center. This results in a continuous curved surface in which there are no edges.
The visual element chosen for this project was the CIRCLE – the simplest 2-dimension shape and most compact geometric shape. It only has one dimension, the radius or diameter, and the point of reference is located at its center.
Architects can use the strength of the circle while manipulating its appearance.
The circle is the strongest 2-dimensional shape, so is the use of semicircular arches in architecture. Semicircles are often also found in the designs of amphitheaters.
Unlike a square and a rectangle, which can be further subdivided, a circle can only be divided into 12 equal parts. This gives the circle great adaptability in architecture
Design Development

Using the principles of design – balance, proportion and harmony, the architectural from has been created with defined functions for each space. The form of the building is determined by circles, cylinders and hemispheres. The dimension of the building is in harmonic proportions. The overall height of the spherical space and the diameter have a 1:1 proportion. The proportion of the height of the cylinder to the overall height is 1:2.
In this example, the interpretation of circular geometry within architectural design provokes a sense of experience that aligns with the profession of a potter.
Mahek Khan
Designer, Space
In collaboration with
Raoul Parekh
Founder & Chief – Design Management